Ep 44 Dr. Riché Richardson: 'Bama Beginnings, Book Bans,...

“'A lot of people talking about critical theory don’t even know what it is…to be so invested in spreading lies, or trying to shut down the study of black history, or shut down conversations about slavery…unrighteousness will not take us forward. When you have things that have happened in the past, there must be some acknowledgement…' said Dr. Riché Richardson

This renowned author who has had pieces published in O Magazine, and NY Times, Alabamian by birth, and black academic by trade is also an Associate Professor of African-American Literature in Cornell University’s Africana Studies Department. Listen to this episode as Daniel and her discuss her Montgomery roots, book bans, the history of Africana studies being birthed at Cornell, and Beyoncé Nation course spicing up Cornell’s curriculum, and has even reached Beyoncé’s ear? "

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Professor Riche Richardson